API requires 'Account Status' permission

Issue #60 resolved
Alisdair Tait created an issue

Hi. I follow the link from the login page to create a character type and Account only Status enabled API key. When I enter the API key into the field, and complete the form it returns the error: API requires 'Account Status' permission

I have tried deleting the key numerous times, and resetting and creating a new API key, all to no avail.

Any ideas please?


Comments (5)

  1. Alisdair Tait reporter

    I am, but.... I have deleted all my keys, and started again. That has now solved the problem. Thanks for your time and help.

  2. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Sounds like EVE API servers were behind again on reporting new API keys - I will poke CCP FoxFour again about detecting how far the API check is behind. Thanks for updating

  3. kristhomas snyder

    I am having this issue as well. Have the id on the left, the vcode on the right, but it still says that the account status is needed.

    edit And deleting all my API keys isn't really an option for me right now. Would cause some issues with other apps I am using.

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