Enable scan result recognition for other languages

Issue #82 resolved
Christoph Schmidt created an issue

When pasting scan results from an english client, all works well, signatures are added and sig types are recognized. When pasting scan results from another language client, it doesn't recognize the results.

I'd like it to do that, since my corp is mainly german, and uses the german client to play. Will gladly help translating everything.

Comments (4)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Can you send me some data? Just paste some scan results into and email to me so I can analyze it and make the needed changes - shouldn't be too complex to fix. daimian.mercer@gmail.com

  2. Christoph Schmidt reporter

    Sent you some data. If anything is missing, i can supply more, just let me know.

  3. Christoph Schmidt reporter

    42feb02 did most of it, but i had to do 2 additions. First, the german abbreviation for AU is AE, which makes it hiccup currently. Other than that, i noticed that in the german client, there is a space between the percentage number and the percent symbol, e.g. English: "100,0%", but german: "100,0 %", so the parser needs an optional space added.

    Line 2078 of core.js should be changed as follows:

    if (columns[x].match(/(\d+[.|,]\d+[ ](%))/) || columns[x].match(/(\d[.|,]?\d+\s(AU|AE|km|m))/i)) { // Exclude scan % || AU

    Other than that, good work! Thanks a lot! test

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