Tracking POS intel

Issue #92 resolved
Tnement Abramovich created an issue

Hi there, thanks for the great work

The idea here would be to be able to keep intel of where poses are and how they are fitted.

I would see that as an other tab in the notes box.

From there you could add/remove stuff on a dscan copy&paste style (just like sigs entry works).

With a little magic and using full dscans, and keeping in mind that moons and planets dont warp, one could be able to tell what moon was in range of each scan, deducing placement and fitting of poses (not even having to warp to them : just dscan @ 5° and you get the scan of the tower with the moon as the location label. easy win)

plus, in the long term, might be a step toward some tracking of the ships saw in the system, their locations, tracking of names in general, MOAR DATA. Ok i'm just stopping there. ;)

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