Alliance sharing (bounty offered)

Issue #99 closed
Foo Downunder created an issue

I would like the ability to easily share to all corporations in an alliance.

I would like an 'add alliance' button on masks that looks at the alliance xml :

It adds all corporations on the target list to the mask, and adds them.

I am offering a 1 plex contracted at a station of choice (or isk equivalent) bounty for this (or something similar), as well as being a willing tester. (in game DoToo Foo)

As an additional goal, tag each corp that was added with the 'alliance' button. If that corp later leaves the alliance, scheduled job (or manual button) removes any corp added in this manner, but no longer a member of the alliance.

(I noted that others were after coallitions, which could possibly be derived from the alliance contact list maybe based on an alliance tag. I am not personally big enough to worry about coalitions but see some value in basing masks on contact tags)

Comments (2)

  1. Ashy

    I'm going to close this issue for now, there's no reason to offer bounties for these sorts of things. We can explore these sorts of options in time, most likely after the CREST work is done

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