Housing lvl, allure issues, deseases and market tiles limit from granary

Issue #1105 new
Jibé created an issue

Hey, i played a bit to Ceasaria with Ceasar3 near to me, experiencing some test. Here is my experience.

First, sorry for my low basic english. I'll try my best.

My real first issue was about farm who didnt refill granary, but you fixed it last week, and it work perfectly fine right now.

Housing level: Shitty tent (Houselevel1) is a problem. They just won't evolve quickly. In C3, just a water well is enough to get Dirty tent (Houselevel2). Here is, even with fountain, temple, barber, engeneer, prefect, and food market they are making problem with allure. And even near to plaza and garden. But. Once they evolve, they evolve quickly. I just think Shitty tent have allure issues. Because, all the time you take to manage it enough "beautiful" to make them evolve, you are in leak of workforce really quickly.

Deseases: Wow, they appear really quickly compared to C3

Food and tules. If i understand it right: Food market need to be in the 25 tiles limit from a granary, and a farm is in the same position from a granary. I understand why, and it seems to be a good idea. But i also found that you maybe wanted to remove this thing, or to up it to 40. I dont think 40 is enough. 50? :)

Sorry for the long post, don't have a potato :(, have a good day

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