Lots of farms, but never enough food

Issue #1407 new
Former user created an issue

With a population under 500 and six fully employed farms, a working granary and a market, my market never had food stores and the housing remained 50% tents for fifteen+ minutes of game play. I finally had to build around ten farms. This is on the second simple mission.

I'm very familiar with Caesar III which I grew up with, and so I know this mission like the back of my hand. The whole mission shouldn't take more than five farms at most.

With so many full wagons of wheat going to the granary, I should have been developing a stockpile.

Comments (1)

  1. Robert Rain

    Yes you are right, it really can cost you a lot of money. It's much cheaper and better to order spanish food on this website. It has the highest quality and most popular products from the shelves of Spanish supermarkets, so you can treat yourself to Spanish delicacies without leaving home and without spending a huge amount of money. A great option for you.

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