Full screen displaz mode freezes

Issue #1426 new
Former user created an issue

Hi, I installed caesaria on my debian linux and opened it. It started successfully. Then I have set the display settings to full screen and it only shows a black screen with my cursor. I cannot even close it in the app overview. I can only reboot via terminal. I tried to uninstall and install again so that it starts with the original settings but unfortunately it remembers my setting as I opened it via Steam app. Is this normal that the full screen version freezes? Thanks, Detti

Comments (2)

  1. Lucas Hermann

    Hi there

    I have the exactly same problem on my Arch Linux Machine. Problem info: Most urgent question: Where are the settings of the game located?

    OS: Arch Linux (last updates 2 weeks ago) Game: Steam Save: As the Problem appears on startup of the game there is no savegame associated with this problem Stderr:


  2. Andrew Oussoren

    If you find the ‘settings.model’ file, keyword search ‘full screen’ and change the 1 to a 0, the game will now load in a window.

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