
Issue #232 resolved
ramMASTER created an issue version of mingw-w64 dosent include glext.h, could you please include it on the dependecies zip on include/GL/glext.h

it should compile and cross-compile on the latest version of mingw-w64 but i'm not sure

Comments (3)

  1. ramMASTER reporter

    yeah, but i cant use the one in the system for cross-compiling, should come with mingw-w64 but has all GL files except that one.

    anyway, i'm copying the file directly, no point in doing anything just because of it, sorry for the interruption

  2. ramMASTER reporter

    yeah, but i cant use the one in the system for cross-compiling, should come with mingw-w64 but has all GL files except that one. anyway, i'm copying the file directly, no point in doing anything just because of it, sorry for the interruption

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