Government/Administration Buildings No Longer Accessible

Issue #372 resolved
Former user created an issue

Latest update makes the administration buildings menu inaccessible.

Comments (9)

  1. Jiminy Cricket

    It occurs on all of the scenario maps. I tried to take a screenshot, but had to right-click away from the menu to activate the debug menu.

    The issue is that the icon is selectable, the image in the gui changes to show that the menu has been clicked, but no menu presents itself.

  2. Jiminy Cricket

    could this be linked to commit 302ad0d?

    It happens on all maps; the senate on this map was placed before the recent update, but shows that this map is one where the senate should be selectable.

  3. Jiminy Cricket

    Here is the save, but I doubt it is the problem, as I have this issue on two separate computers, both running the latest version.

    The artefacts, I believe, are linked to #366; I have made comments there and upvoted as I also see the troubles described there.

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