bugs and gitches

Issue #377 resolved
Former user created an issue

the buildings are black, usually markets granary schools and such. also texts such as gods curses are not readable i know they are curses as the title says #smcurse_mercury or something similar also the names of some of the buildings are similar. also when i initially started up the game the window to play in was too small i couldn't see the full screen i had to start up a game and use the menu at the top left corner to change display as the setting display wasn't working. thanks had this game when i was younger probably around 8 or 9 years ago glaad u brought it to steam and i am enjoying it still as a 17 year old. hoped this helped and thanks

Comments (6)

  1. Jiminy Cricket

    Black buildings means that you haven't loaded the original Caesar 3 game textures. You need to install the game from your original C3 CD (or gog.com installer) and then use the options in the main menu of Caesaria to point to where the C3 resources are.

  2. Eric Boucher

    First, users shouldn't need to install 3nd party by themselft as is not explained while downloading/installing the game.

    Second, this should be merged with #389

  3. Justin Loutsenhizer

    Eric, The game is still in development and they've spent most of the time recreating the technical aspects of Caesar III. They are working on replacing the assets with their own but until then the only option is to have players install Caesar III externally. They cannot distribute the assets themselves because they are copyrighted

  4. Jiminy Cricket

    It is clearly stated all over the website and on the Steam page that it is currently a recreation of the engine only and that to have it run, you need the original game.

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