Tile Sizes

Issue #404 on hold
Former user created an issue

Good Morning,

Love the fact that you're recreating the game. I always played this as a child.

I have 1 question / suggestion. The Tile Sizes are a bit big. Would it be possible to make the surrounding space smaller? Placing buildings take up too much space currently.

If you do not agree, you are more than welcome to remove this. Maybe I just have played this too long ago

Comments (4)

  1. dalerank repo owner

    Hi, Gavie. Why tile size changed.

    How it work in C3: housng1a_00014.png -> housng1a_00014.png

    How it work here: land1a_00088.png + land1a_00032.png + housng1a_00003.png -> Result image.

    Big tile can have more detailed objects, which have not artefacts while combined. But CaesarIA engine can use different tiles, 60px(c3, pharaoh, zeus), 80px(Emperor) or 120px(native).

  2. Gawie Greef

    Thank you. Can you perhaps delete this or close this then? I am unable to do so as I was not logged in at the time

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