Can't open Traderoute in Capua, v.0.5, stable 2015-04-11

Issue #781 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm in the scenario of capua and as far as I know it's not possible to create a prosperous city AND earning money, without exporting goods.

Sitting in Capua, watching my funds decreasing, I try creating a route to Tarentum - they buy pottery, which I can produce.

The stdout shows:

Widget: load gui model from ./resources/gui/empirewnd.gui Saveadapter: try load model from ./resources/gui/empirewnd.gui Saveadapter: try load model from empire_panel1.atlas !!! Warning: Trade route no exist [Tarentum to Capua] !!! Warning: Trade route no exist [Tarentum to Capua] !!! Warning: Trade route no exist [Capua to Tarentum] !!!Warning: Want create route, but it exist [Capua to Tarentum] Warning!!! Trading::load cant create route from Capua to Tarentum !!! Warning: Trade route no exist [Tarentum to Capua]

Love this game, but seems unplayable without trading feature.

In free-play-mode I didn't even find other cities to trade with on the empire map, didn't try other scenarios yet.

My OS is Ubuntu 14.04 and I got my version of CaesarIA via this page

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