
Issue #796 closed
Former user created an issue

As i think your colaps/fire/desise system is a huge mistake.And you shod rework it. I played a lot of Caesar and Cleopatra and Faron. Those games have a chance of colaps/fire/desise when threat is 100%. It dose not mean that colaps/fire/desise will star immediately when threat is 100%. In your game thing are different. When you got 100% of treat it is cause disaster immediately. It is prety annoying.

For example. You got fire in one place of the city. Many of yourth firefighter run there to stop the fire. It takes some time to stop fire, so they cant patrol aothere places at this momement. At this time threat of fire in those places become 100% and fire start there. So it begins a chain reaction. And half of your sicy is destroyed.Even if yoy have a firepost every 40 square tiles.

I realy loved Caesar/ Cleopatra nad Faraon, when i was a kid. So i reealy hope that yourth game will be even better then they. PS Sorry for my English. I hope you will understand what i mean.

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