Bulding error

Issue #824 wontfix
Former user created an issue

I'm not sure about the version I think its the layesy to this day, 2015-08-16+

Error: 1st and snd maps: when you try to save the game it says that tehere is no save carpet and doesnt allow you to save the game. 2nd map When you try to buld prefectures and/or enginereing buildings the building locks in 1 tile, and then like repeat in every part of the map, like if you where doing a window, selection.

As far as I can tell there are no more, I prove almost ecery other things rotate the map, yhe senate bulding, granaries, and farms, they are ok.

This is a great proyect, I play Caesar III, and realy liked; you are doing a great job, keep on it, The latest improoves are really nice the narrator, the fires in the small temples (the game doesnt allow me to advance more), this is just the tutorial but it seems a really nice improve.

Comparing this tutorial to the games now a days, it seams that it cuts the game fluency every few secons (I really dont like it in the original game either). if you could change that for the sake of new (and old) gamers it will be apreaciated)

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