Video artefacts

Issue #85 resolved
dalerank repo owner created an issue

I add smk viewer, but when it display video from game it have some error, is any can fix it???oc3_[2014_03_12_00_30_08].png oc3_[2014_03_12_00_30_08].pngoc3_[2014_03_12_00_30_18].png

Comments (4)

  1. Andrei Brănescu

    From what I can remember, the video was sometimes like that even in the original Caesar 3. Have you opened this video with an SMK player outside of the game?

  2. Andrei Brănescu

    Ok, it seems that it's not the video that is flowed. Here's some screenshots taken with SMPlayer (from sourceforge). city_fire_smk.png city_fire_smk1.png

    From what I can tell, some pixels from the second scene of the video are written onto the first scene.

    I think this might be to the buffering or the frame rate. I might be an offset problem in the buffer, meaning that after a certain frame the buffer is read shifted. You have to also consider that not all the pixels are re-written at every frame. Only the ones that are considered to have changed.

    I don't have other suggestions for the moment.

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