Some troubles

Issue #88 resolved
Former user created an issue

Just thought I will share some feedback. :)

Tried the game yesterday (mainly to see if its playable on android), there were few issues - first and biggest of them being there is no cursor ingame when I set mouse emulation to laptop mode - which makes the game pretty much unplayable on regular 4" smartphone.

Other issue I encountered right from the start - It seems that game hashardcoded workdir to /sdcard/Android/... however my sdcard partitions are located in /storage/sdcard0/Android... - I had to force different workdir parameter (by choosing manual download location selection - than popup window appeared that accepts startup parameters.

What is strange is fact that logfile had absolutely no problem with writing into data directory even when wrong workdir was being used - maybe you could deal with the workdir path in same way as with logfile path.

Anyway, other problem appeared, when I set ingame resolution to 800x480 - some kind of touch friendly icons started blocking half of the user interface in lower right corner - I have no idea what that icon was for as it did pretty much nothing - maybe consider removing it completely, or at least relocate it to left side. :)

Another issue I had (both in android and pc version) is that game speed is painfuly slow (even when set to 100%) - would it be possible to increase the speed a bit?

Last issue I encountered was with house evolution - I have had pretty hard time to get anything other that simple tents - where in original caesar 3 they evolve almost instantly.

Anyway, so far it looks pretty promissing and i wish you best luck with development - i will surely be checking back for future updates. :)

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