Proposal: What I always wanted in Caesar series games

Issue #894 new
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You start a new village. Water, food, healthcare, security, everything. It becomes a town. Then a city, then a metropolis. You have power and everything, then the space ends.

I remember that in some cases (in Zeus if I'm not wrong) there were the possibility of manage a colony... I was thinking that I would be great if you could like... conquer cities and manage them or even make colonies in some specific points (points you developers have pre-made before, not unlimited spots of course). So, I don't know how can you do it easily, but you could:

CONQUERED CITIES • Make the map of all the cities in the game (with structures and everything) • Give the possibility of switching the two cities and control both of them (the first and the conquered one) • Insert a method to transport goods between the two (if you have 2 cities, I don't think you want to buy/sell things to yourself, you just transport them, right?). • Insert the possibility of chose the way you are "treating" that town. Is it a friend of Rome? Is it enslaved? Is it protected – and exploited – by your authority? ... and so on.

COLONIES • If you reach a certain point, like a good relationship with Rome or a big economic/military power, you can build like an explorer school and that would "find" some good spots in the map you can build a colony on. • You can click one of them and send there your explorers to start making a new colony. The way you do it is as normal as always: build house, give them stuff, make it grow. But you can have new materials, new spaces and also new challenges. – To prevent the "I'm totally making 10.000 colonies so I'm not trading with nobody and I'm the king of the world"–technique you should need a permission from Rome to set up a colony, and one of them should be hard to get. So you must be really sure to build your new city in that spot. Also, let's not forget that every city needs to be defended by the attack of enemies, so much colonies = much hard the life is.

I know you're still making the basics of the game, but it's never too soon!

Ps. I'm the guy of the "all the screen in black" bug. My personal Steam account is "ilRibe" if you need to write me stuff about the bug or about this. I hope I've helped you. :)

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