No immigration in Capua

Issue #961 new
Former user created an issue

Immigration stops in Capua at 326, despite higher wages, empty housing, job vacancies.

Comments (12)

  1. antonio navarro

    put gardens fucking everywhere.

    build gardens (4x squares), then place a few houses, they will fully upgrade to small mansion or villas. i had a problem there too with that, i had to upgrade the buildings, i erased 2x trees, and doing like buiding a road of 2x, just building that in full gardens, houses improved and inmigrants began coming like no tomorrow

    also it can be because the markets, going off food, and because granarys are far...

    pd2.- enjoy the next level without the trades

  2. Cosimo Costanzia di Costigliole

    True, those things shouldn't be necessary for low level housing! I believe the desirability mechanics in Capua are broken. You can verify it on the prestige map.

  3. cofko

    At the start of the game the inflow of immigrants is quite regular. Later they are just...gone. I had a mix of contradicting messages from the game as to why no one is arriving. Both "lack of much low level housing" and "poor housing despite your cities wealth..." appear one after another. So i arranged for both, ordinary housing and upgraded houses (up to large insula). Still the same. Even vacant slots remained vacant.

  4. antonio navarro

    put gardens fucking everywhere!! XD its nice to see another construction types, ill show you mine, its not perfect, you can have top 1 square and 1 year later you have top the next square... i dont know how are the markets working, neither radious and more.. would be great to know. they eat so much also. i build 6x6 square, the roads out, 3 garden like in the pic and full houses, 1 market for 2 squares and is better 1 side to not have any house. Then around the square the rest, small temples, fountains, DOCTOR!, barber forum and bath... the small temples uses to raise houses so i put 1 far from another like the senate near the houses to raise level. also unemployement can do people to not come, ive seen market with no food and houses downgrading, people emigrating... thats my mine problem, they eat so much! also once i used to import wine, and the town was happier XD (more production) csdfd.jpg

    would be nice to see more people distributions, maybe are easier for this level XD

    i have been playing this level from when i opened the thread and im still on it, has a lot of bugs, first problems where all solved but now there are others: like gods are always angry, the war comes and fucks your whole city, the fire, you have prefects, but they dont see the fire, or when 2 prefects come to the fire, throw water to the same water going in a direction, and stop when no fire in front, but behind them there is a little fire, and they gone and the fire then continues expanding. the money is a problem i wanted to do this level without cheats but is nearly impossible. before i had the problem of the caesar favor, but now this is not a requirement, but... i cant sell oil, furniture costs much time to have the infrastructure built, and clay pits continue flooding (only way to dont flood is placing 2 engineers post just at the side. i cant sell oil because i cant build a dock because it says to me an error that this dock is in mainland and cant go for the sea or something like that "inland has no access to sea", u can try to build a dock and see it.

  5. antonio navarro

    your road issue must be a bug or you havent connected it to the main road

    pd.- if you click in any house, it will post you a message why it doesnt upgrade

  6. dalerank repo owner

    @cofko Could you please press "g" on keyboard that show prestige layer? It show where desirability low

  7. cofko

    pressing G shows me 2 colors. small part of red (mouse hover says citizens desire to live there) the other majority part (including the part with most developed housing and aslo the part that does not get settled) is yellow

    i ll try to experiment some more

  8. antonio navarro

    cofko: follow the steps i put you there: -build houses(some gardens too), put fountains, then grow wheat farms, granary and finally when granary has something, build the market, if they have food they will upgrade, then place small temples/senate around to raise its desirability. in old caesar i used to place temples together, in this one ive seen its better to place 1 near square row. ive got mine worst in yellow and mainly green. that square row that i put in that image seems to be nearly perfect design, you have to place some gardens with buildings just to raise its desirability. -in your city of the image, put gardens behind the houses and automatically will raise its desirability, ive seen houses evolving only by placing gardens near but the mai problem is the food -be conscious that the market works in a radious, the near buildings have wheat but those far away has not access to food, and wont upgrade

    well I finally got that level done, finally seems to be working like should, after several months, various headaches... i got it!!! but XD it doesnt appear the message of mission complete XD I accomplish the requisites: 2500 population + 10prosperity, i let the machine work for 2 or more ingame years but it doesnt appear, still it appears in rating advisor the before updates requisites, those are simple impossible: culture, prosperity, and favor (favor 0 since the emperor asks for something its really impossible to give him). ive tried too much times, to try to give him what he asks but i only could give him a few times, and we all debts I had, the favor continued drowning until 0, some times i tried to send him gifts but it only raised 2-3 favor: until 60 i could die before... no other ways to raise it i found, maybe placing governors villa but im not sure

    -when your granaries get out of food, markets out of food and houses downgrades, people get out of your city, would be great to put workshops into "not working" and all its full employees get away to other job, instead of having to destroy the workshop -Its hard to move things from warehouses, you have to use the start emptying warehouse, the go get goods and refuse goods, but if you have 5 warehouses the thing its much harder (when u need 1 warehouse to trade caravans and another one to trade by docks), by the way, warehouses slow production by having to wait until cart man goes away and comes back. and the fucking marketers often stole stockpiling resources XD -the same with markets and granaries, sometimes goes to 1, sometimes to the other, and usually go to the empty one, ive got a bug when i put a market near the docks they continue going to dock warehouse that has only oil, but they dont go to the granary that is a bit far away that has wheat. I really appreciate what you did with wheat production, granaries and market, now the people doesnt eat so much and you dont have to have 30 wheat farms to feed 4 houses. -ive been playing not continuosly for several months ive got a stdout.txt file of 87kb if you´d like to see my crash reports tell me an email address and ill send it there.

    right now i dont remember any more issues but when i remember it i will come here to place it, great game, great job; it was so many time ago that played it and i really wanted to play it before i finally saw you were testing it. real good game, and really good job you are doing, ive seen your upgrades work absolutely perfect, problems disappearing and raising the enjoy of playing it, please put back the message of cartmans: "nowhere to push!" and develop more like that funny thing :)

    ed.- sorry bout the brick!! ed2.- PUT FUCKING GARDENS EVERYWHEREEE!!!!

  9. Joshua Ginsberg

    What does lack of much low level housing mean? It seems contradictory. Too much low-level homes or a lack of too much (meaning not enough...)?

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