
Clone wiki

Caesaria / Animations

is configuration file (game/resources/animations.model) that describes how to load animation for citizens, enemies, animal


  etruscanSoldier : {    //what type will be loading
    move :               //action type name
    {                    //you need set it in GfxTypeHelper before loading animation

      rc : "etruscan",   //resource prefix for animation, result picture name will be "etruscan_00XXX"
      start : 249,       //start index of animation from north direction
      frames : 12,       //how many steps in on direction, max direction is 8 (north, north-east, east etc)
      action : 1         //really action index in walker class, basic (none,move,fight,die)
      step : 8           //offset between frame step by direction, if 0 then only load pictures sequence 

    fight : { rc : "etruscan", start : 345, frames : 6, action : 2 }
    die : { rc : "etruscan", start : 393, frames : 1, action : 3 }
