Analytics section is not working

Issue #9 open
PPlayerxx created an issue

If I try to use the section and all its subcategories, I receive this error message

b: 403 Forbidden
"code" : 403,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile.",
"reason" : "insufficientPermissions"
} ],
"message" : "User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile."

The section don’t work since December (first it couldn’t retrive any recent data, like daily, and now this)


Comments (4)

  1. Dan Dar3 repo owner

    @PPlayerxx First of, thank you for reporting this issue. I should have been more proactive and will announce it on the XBMC4Xbox Forums as well as updating the online documentation.

    Google Analytics has removed the data access through API, thus accessing the data and presenting it in the application is not possible through that anymore. They have announced it at the end of the year effective 31 January 2020 where data would have been removed. I am looking into introducing something similar through Firebase instead.

    The whole feature was thought about providing a “comunity” feel about it and see how many people accross the world are still using XBMC4Xbox 🙂

    Thank you for logging this ticket, this should push me to find a solution as now I see there are people still using this feature. I will publish a new beta version in the next week or so and I will send it to you for testing if you want.


  2. PPlayerxx reporter

    @Dan Dar3 Thanks for picking it up, I used it because I was so curious of seeing how much people were still using xbmc on the old black box, and now that is no longer available, something is missing in my days (like stalking all the people that still use version 1.0 of xbmc lol)

    And thanks for still working on it! (I would really like beeing a beta tester for the next release)

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