
Alex Darby Compare Struct Instances (note: if you need to do this you should really be using a class)

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Revised by Alex Darby 14e0298
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace structRefChecker
	public struct TestStruct
		static uint s_structIdGenerator = 0;

		private uint	m_structId;
		public int		m_someValue;

		public TestStruct( int value )
			m_someValue	= value;
			m_structId	= s_structIdGenerator++;

		public static bool IsSameInstance( TestStruct one,  TestStruct two )
			return ( one.m_structId == two.m_structId );


	class Program
		static void ProcessTestStructs( ref TestStruct one, ref TestStruct two )
			if( TestStruct.IsSameInstance( one, two ) )
				Console.WriteLine( "one and two are the same instance" );
				Console.WriteLine( "one and two are different instances" );

		static void Main( string[] args )
			var testOne = new TestStruct( 1 );
			var testTwo = new TestStruct( 2 );

			ProcessTestStructs( ref testOne, ref testTwo ); 
			ProcessTestStructs( ref testOne, ref testOne ); 
			ProcessTestStructs( ref testTwo, ref testTwo ); 


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