Add a feature for managing game saves

Issue #10 resolved
Dark Akuma created an issue

This would connect to the Switch (through a MTP server like DBI), or access the SD Card via whatever card reader hardware, find the save files associated with the active database, and list them for general management like backing up, replacing, and deleting.

A goal is to clean up the interface over direct file folder management, in that we use a games name in place of a code value, show state images, etc.

Comments (5)

  1. Dark Akuma reporter

    Mostly designed and added now, via an alternative tab to the main games list.

    What is still missing though is SD Card reader support. Right now it only supports MTP Servers.

  2. Dark Akuma reporter

    MTP responder support also lacks the letting the Switch app be running before CaVE is loaded.

    What happens when you switch databases while connected.

    And support for a more modern DBI, and maybe other responder apps?

    Current guess on DBI v576 not working, is the partition structure is changed. But ill have to see for myself.

  3. snucker

    If possible, add a feature to import a save folder to a new or existing Switch system.
    Ex: User 1 exports a save from their Switch and shares it online. User 2 can import the whole folder even if they do not see a save for that particular game in CaVE.

  4. Dark Akuma reporter

    I don’t take feature requests. Hence why its stated in the rules for creating issues.

    That said… This is what the existing options are for. You don’t need to import every save from a friend. Generally, just 1 is fine. But if you need more, you can select more.. I feel such a mass import feature would be seldom used/needed, a waste of time, and just complicate the UI for new users more.

  5. Dark Akuma reporter


    I consider the feature as "added" now. So now individual issues can and should be open for things relating to it.

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