SNES Upgrading database from 3.4 to 3.7 will make the app freeze in the red loading screen

Issue #100 open
ZhaiSheng created an issue
  • Cave
  • SNES ver
  • Mods installed: Display EX – Full Unlock ver

If you have a SNES database in 3.4 and you upgrade it to 3.7 to be able to use DisplayEX , the NSO app will freeze in the red loading screen, so basically you need to start the database from scratch in 3.7 if you wanna use DisplayEX

I checked both lclassics.titlesdb and the names of the folders+sfroms and they follow the new naming convention, for example S-9974_e.sfrom

Actually, I did a test creating a clean 3.4 db and adding a single game, it loads normally in the console, then upgrading the db + the console to 3.7 and now it will not load, but then I created a clean 3.7 from scratch and added the same game, and it worked.

Comments (3)

  1. Dark Akuma

    The sfrom naming convention issue presents itself as custom games not booting. As if the full unlock is not working.

    A freeze at the red loading screen usually suggests a file or titlesdb formatting error. As the issue only happens with upgrading a database, its not likely a file error, leaving it to more likely be a titlesdb formatting error. What, I'm not sure. I have seen issues where a value of “null” gets set for some params, and as thats not a legitimate value, it causes it. You would have to look at the titlesdb yourself to see that.

    Also, you mention DisplayEx. Mods can cause such issues. But you don't mention if you tried booting without DisplayEx enabled, thus it is not ruled out as a possible cause.

    Tried your procedure of make a 3.4 db, add a game, upgrade it to v3.7 then inspecting things to look for an error… I cant find one. There has to be more info to this that you are not providing. Like are you adding custom images, or using the defaults? Are you reloading the app between steps? Are you changing any metadata values? What mods are being used? Locale? Using presets? Anything! There is just not enough information here for me to move forward on this issue.

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