Game Boy DisplayEx+ Mod NSO Freeze

Issue #101 resolved
Tokyo Panda created an issue
  • What version of CaVE? (Include the file Modified date of the exe for Alpha)

    • CaVE | December 29, 2023
  • What Locale of Windows/NSO or is selected in CaVE?

    • English
  • What version of the NSO app is installed? (Platform and version number)

    • Game Boy - NSO | v1.7.0
  • Do you have mods installed, and if so what?

    • DisplayEx+ v1.4.0.0

  • How exactly can this issue be reproduced so others can do so in order to understand what is broken.

    • I unchecked the DisplayEx mod from the CaVE Mod tab, save and sync my database to my switch so that it removes the mod.
    • Close out CaVE and delete the NSO-GB-DisplayEx-v1_4.nsom from the mods folder in CaVE.
    • Place the DisplayEx+ nsom file “NSO-GB-DisplayEx-v1_4.nsom” in the mods folder in CaVE.
    • Launch CaVE and check the box for DisplayEx+ from the mods tab.
    • Save and sync my database to my switch.
    • Launch Game Boy NSO and the NSO freezes at the main screen.

** If I remove the DisplayEx+ mod, the NSO launches fine. If I launch with the regular DisplayEx mod, the NSO loads fine.

Comments (3)

  1. Dark Akuma

    For posterity, I did look into this.

    There have been some changes to the modded files since v1.4 But even when going so far as to make a proper v1.7 of the DisplayEx+ mod… The issue persists for Tokyo.

    It however, did not, and still does not happen for me. It works perfectly fine, as intended.

    I believe the issue to possibly be the “Makes no sense” issue I have encountered before, and just randomly lucked my way past. Where NSO just decides “F that resource in particular” to the “colorhalftone_preview.png” resource entry itself (not the file). And more specifically, if the GUID for that resource is listed under the SysDisplayMode section of the resources.json. My best guess is its some sort of weird caching issue, but not one as easy to get around as simply deleting some files.

    There is another possibility, in that its simply that you need to wait an extremely long time for the app to load. If encountered that at time, where I had to wait FAR longer than I normally would or expect.

    And it’s worth mentioning Tokyo’s minor workaround of reducing the game roster down to like 3 games will suddenly allow the app to load (Ill let him post details on that). That makes no sense as the issue only happens with the version of the mod that adds themes, and the game list has nothing to do with the theme. But at the least it maybe suggests a loading time issue.

  2. Dark Akuma

    This issue was figured out to be my failure to include a specific resource reference in the resources.json of the nsom… somehow. I guess it didn’t trigger for me, because the file I was using had that reference… even though I swear I tested the nsom fresh.

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