Null Parameter, propertyName error with NES/SNES and the PT-BR Locale

Issue #102 on hold
Dark Akuma created an issue

This bug is known, and now fixed. But the fix is not available yet.

Until then, to mitigate the issue you have to manually work around it.

To work around the issue, change your "Edit > Default Locale" in CaVE to Portuguese, then create and save a new database (before changing the default locale back).

Close CaVE, and open the folder where you saved the database. Navigate down some folders and edit the "display_language" value in the DBINFO file from "pt" to "ptbr" in a text editor, then navigate down to "romfs/bootapp/resources/strings" and rename the "pt" folder to "ptbr".

Once you load the database in CaVE again, it should function as a PT-BR locale database. This of course means the language used will not be 100% Brazilian Portuguese. I haven't looked things over in detail, but I have not seen much of a difference in the language strings on the surface for these apps. So it should hopefully function well enough for you.

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