Genesis DisplayEx+ Mod Options Not Working

Issue #104 resolved
Tokyo Panda created an issue
  • What version of CaVE? (Include the file Modified date of the exe for Alpha)

    • CaVE | December 29, 2023
  • What Locale of Windows/NSO or is selected in CaVE?

    • English
  • What version of the NSO app is installed? (Platform and version number)

    • Sega Genesis - NSO | v2.6.0
  • Do you have mods installed, and if so what?

    • DisplayEx+ v2.6.0.0
  • How exactly can this issue be reproduced so others can do so in order to understand what is broken.

    • While in the NSO, go into Settings and select Fit to Screen, Hide Player Icons in game, or both. The player icon still shows in game and games do not fit to screen.

Comments (11)

  1. Dark Akuma

    Confirmed the issue, and have taken a quick look. But dont see anything that immediately stands out in my code.

    Is this a issue only with the + version of the mod? Or the normal one too?

  2. Tokyo Panda reporter

    I just checked and loaded the normal one. The Hide Player Icon in game does not even show as an option in the normal one. Someone else opened a issue for this one in the issue tracker #98

  3. ZhaiSheng

    I am the one who opened the 98 , the hide player icon and Hide SP banner doesn´t appear in the settings menu. Fit to screen appears thou.

  4. Dark Akuma

    Looking into the issue, it seems to be that I just missed compiling/packaging some of the latest of some of the mod files.

    I have updated the Ex+ mod with the proper fix, and that can be checked now after redownloading and re-installing.

    FYI, I have not been able to confirm any issue with the Fit to Screen option. It just works as intended for me. Just Hide Player Icons and presumably Hide SP Banner should be effected.

    The non-plus version is not updated yet. I’m pretty sure its the same basic issue though. I’ll try to get that fix updated and ready for confirmation when I post the update for todays SNES/SFC updates.

    The issue with the Ex+ app was with sysingame.lua, while the non-plus apps issue is presumably at least the sysdisplaymodelayout.scn.

  5. Tokyo Panda reporter

    Tested and confirming that the DisplayEX+ for Genesis is working. Both the hide player icon in game and fit to screen are working as intended.

  6. Dark Akuma

    The non-plus version of the GEN DisplayEx mod has now been updated too.
    There has been 1 confirmation that the Ex and Ex+ versions are now working as intended. Ill mark as resolved after another (at least the non-plus version).

  7. ZhaiSheng

    Where can I download the non plus to test it? I don´t see the genesis display ex listed in patreon.

  8. Dark Akuma

    Damn. Sorry. I KNOW I added it to that page… but somehow it was missing. It’s added again now though.

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