Preset Info not being used

Issue #105 on hold
Dark Akuma created an issue

I’m seeing this with SNES, but it probably exists with other apps.

What happens is, when a game is added or when you use the Import Preset Info option on a game whose checksum is in the database… The info is not set.

The issue is because of the way the preset database is handled in regards to compatibility info. The compatibility info is checked, presets are found to be null, and it does not check for the proper database for the info.

I swear I addressed this issue already… But I would need to merge the databases, or check both json files for the info.

Comments (3)

  1. Dark Akuma reporter

    Made an adjustment to the code that gets MOST meta data working with the Import Preset Game Info option.

    But Images and Titles are not importing correctly.

    I think its because of the Merge() function, and skipping those because those parameters have non-null values from the compatibility list.

    The code should prioritize info from a non-compatability list. I just have to figure out how I want to manage that.

  2. Dark Akuma reporter

    Fixed for the next build. But Im not really happy with the code. Really should rewrite it. There is a error with importing a second time too, regarding the cached image being busy or something.

    The image issue was that it was looking for the “database” dir instead of the newer “preset_database” dir.

    The title issue was because it was check the version of the databases being compared, both coming back as the latest, and not copying. I changed it from a greater than check to a >= check. Not a perfect solution, as it just means that preset database titles will always be copied to the active database… but that shouldn’t matter as the intention is to force use of the presets anyway.

    Also fixed a issue with Meta Comments being copied over.

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