Genesis NSO 2.6.0: ZL + ZR command doesn't work

Issue #108 closed
V Nov created an issue

Cave Patreon build
Locale tested: Englis (US), Portuguese (BR)
Genesis NSO, version 2.6.0
Mods installed: Hide Icon, Hide Background, DisplayEx Gen set (there’s a missing file = sysmain.scn on the screenshot, but I’ve fixed it after the screenshot)
Around 40 custom games added.
All games work.

ISSUE: the ZL+ZR command (to bring the menu and the rewind option) doesn’t work (on the custom roms, and also on the stock roms).

I’ve rebuild the database with all the Mods turned off, with the same result.

I’ve read all the F.A.Q., all the instructions, I’ve also searched the messages on Discord and I’ve found nothing.
I’m sorry if I’m doing something wrong.

Comments (5)

  1. V Nov reporter

    I loaded Genesis NSO with L pressed, so I could check how was stock version…. after that, I can load my Genesis NSO (made with Cave) and everything works.

  2. Dark Akuma

    Several things to unpack here.

    The most important is… if you have DisplayEx installed… DO NOT install the hide background/player icon mods! DisplayEx does what those other 2 do, all on its own, and better. The others just continue to exist because DisplayEx is a privileged mod only available to patreons and some other supporters (CaVE currently is too, but that wont always be the case), and because the Hide mods are automatically generated by my dev code, thus its no effort for me to continue to create.

    What is happening is, 2 mods are trying to use their own unique versions of the same file. That's what the file path being in orange represents. That the installed file is different from what it should be. I have no idea how both mods are reporting the file as wrong though. Thats odd…

    I would guess the ZL+ZR issue is because the Hide Background mods sysmain.scn is being used, not DisplayEx’s.

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