#123: Wrong SNES Full Unlock download

Issue #123 resolved
Federico Mele created an issue

The program continue after various reset(like deleting default/stock database folder and/or redownload everything from scratch) continue to download the full unlock (deleted the mod too and checked, it's always wrong)

Naming and versions are all correct and stock games obviously works.

That's it, I'm using the first version post leak I suppose, I downloaded it the 10th of August(yesterday, and a few times today too)

Comments (3)

  1. Dark Akuma

    This issue was resolved, and in the end can only be explained as user error.

    It was solved by re-extracting the archive files (mainly, the mods). And thus I can only conclude that it was a issue of the latest archive of cave being extracted over a previous install, and not all the files were extracted. That is the only thing that makes sense with the resulting issue. I.E. the v3.9 full unlock mod was not in the mods folder, despite being the only one available on the server or in the archive itself.

  2. Federico Mele reporter

    I can have done something wrong, but the fact that I hadn't the update icon while you had it and the folder is named cave 1.5 means otherwise, so good guess I suppose.

    Anyway, thx

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