Reoganize the Games list items

Issue #3 resolved
Dark Akuma created an issue

Reduce the number of columns so that the only options in a Advanced column are truly options most people would never use, reduce all the extra parameters to a single dynamically sized column, and add buttons for standard file selections options.

A goal of this is improve the display of options to make more intuitive sense to the average user, and eliminate questions answered by “enable the advanced column”.

Comments (2)

  1. Dark Akuma reporter

    NSO Release date has been moved next to the original release date.

    The Details column as been merged with the Info column.

    Many “Advanced Info” column options have been moved to the Options column which itself is renamed from Advanced Options”.

    Advanced Info column is now just Advanced.

    All other columns merged into Advanced or Options columns.

    A Files element has been added to the former Details column group.

    Code has been moved to the former Details column group.

    Volume has been moved to Options.

    Elements with empty values will now show Null or Default.

    Have added in a few previously missing parameters to the Options column.

    Stock Games will now be highlighted with a different color to better distinguish them.

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