Need to check for and connect to a MTP responder on CaVE loading

Issue #36 resolved
Dark Akuma created an issue

For that matter, the saves tab needs to be repopulated if connected and a DB is changed.

Comments (12)

  1. Tokyo Panda

    Appears to be working as intended.

    1. Launched DBI MTP Responder on switch
    2. Launched CaVE and since my last DB was NES CaVE loaded my NES database and the MTP responder connected via CaVE. Saves showed.

    3. With CaVE still open, I switch DB to N64 and the MTP Responder connection in CaVE reloaded and so did my Save data to show my N64 saves.

  2. Dark Akuma reporter

    Thank you. This was a feature people specifically asked for/mentioned. So when I added it and heard nothing about it, I have been confused.

    And thanks for confirming it reloads the save tab on database change too. That's one of those fixes/changes that slipped through the cracks. I forgot about it, and now have just gotten used to it.

  3. iiTzSamurai

    i cant get the green light to appear at all. Im using dbi 598. Ive tried full ram moed and applet mode but the light just stays grey

  4. Dark Akuma reporter

    That is unrelated to the topic of this issue thread. That would require its own thread as I dont think another more appropriate one is open. This thread is specifically about CaVE connecting to MTP/SDcard reader devices that are open before CaVE itself is opened.

    But for clarity… a more modern version of DBI is not currently supported. Its on my TODO list though. I don't know what exact version changed this to cause the compatibility issue. But a report says at least v506 or before. I use something like v356.

    I opened a more appropriate thread for this.

  5. snucker

    DBI 527

    Works if the last database that was open is a NSO database. If ZebraEngine for example was last loaded, when you switch to a NSO database the MTP Responder is not detected.

    Switching databases loads the correct saves in the saves tab,

  6. Dark Akuma reporter

    Hmm. Its not supposed to connect to the MTP when non-NSO stuff is loaded. But it should connect when switching too a database, even from a non-NSO mode like ZebraEngine. That is odd… I guess I somehow missed a usage scenario like that…

  7. Dark Akuma reporter

    Waiting on testing with the build posted to Discord at 12:47AM PST 07/19/23.

    I addressed 3 issues with that build.

    CaVE not checking for and connecting to a MTP responder when switching from a non-NSO mode to a NSO database.

    CaVE trying to connect to a newly connected device when in a non-NSO mode (not doing so is proper outcome).

    CaVE closing itself after the loading splash window finishes.

    Considering that this would be 3/2 confirmations needed to close this thread, I will do so if/when this is confirmed fixed.

  8. snucker

    Loading CaVE in the ZE menu and then switching to a NSO DB does indeed load the MTP responder now, but with this error popup:

    Switching from ZE to a NSO DB with a Switch SD card causes this error:

    Crashing after splash screens seems to be fixed for all cases: non-Switch SD card, Switch SD card, MTP Responder

  9. Dark Akuma reporter

    Fix posted to discord at 6:57PM PST or after.

    I assume both of the errors are from the same issue, that being that CaVE was accidentally set to try and connect to the device 2 times at the same time. I only confirmed the fix with the first error myself though.

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