Decide on and impliment a more proper Update setup

Issue #37 resolved
Dark Akuma created an issue

By this I mostly mean, upgrading/downgrading databases.

I got rid of the Update Database menu because I felt it was unneeded now.

My thinking was that “updates are only needed when you add a new stock game”. But that is not correct. Recent versions changed the UI a lot, and require a update. But what if the user does not want any of the newer stock games? Having to add then delete one just to trigger that seems dumb.

So I think switching back to a menu item being available might be best. Maybe in the Tools menu, as an advanced option? Something designed from the start to allow both upgrading and downgrading.

Comments (8)

  1. Dark Akuma reporter


    Its a port of the old Update Database menu. Just now moved to the Tools menu, and designed with the intention of changing metadata, and files from the start,

    I added “constants” for all the notable updates that changed things like image formats and rom naming, and those are checked.

    This should fully support proper downgrading a database.

    Whats more, the metadata changing is properly supported now (was not before), and it now changes in front of your eyes.

  2. Dark Akuma reporter

    Somewhere along the way when using this feature a lot to test the mods feature rework, the images for the 2 custom games in my database disappeared. I have no idea why, but suspect it was this code. But still… I dont get why. The code is specifically set to not delete the images until after the new copies in the other format now pass a File.Exists() check.

  3. Dark Akuma reporter

    Since testing this is being avoided like the plague for some reason… I figure I should say, all that needs to be tested is basics. Just testing that it does in fact change version. What do you need to gauge that the version is changed? Well, at least 1 thing beyond the version number itself.


    1.) Do images for custom games change between xtx.z and png for NES, SNES and Genesis?

    2.) With SNES you can observe some text changes between versions.

    • v1.2-v3.4: Smash Tennis: The NAMCO in the Copyright and Publisher text is fully capitalized.
    • v3.5-v3.6: Smash Tennis: It is now Namco.

    3.) When you downgrade versions, stock games from later versions get removed from the active database list.

  4. snucker

    Genesis 2.6:

    Genesis 2.4:

    SNES 3.6:

    SNES 3.4:

    NES 6.5:

    NES 6.3:

  5. Dark Akuma reporter

    I appreciate that. You didn’t need to go quite THAT far as to provide screenshots and multiple databases. I have simply been looking for basic confirmation is all. But thank you. =)

  6. Dark Akuma reporter

    I'm not sure how… but this can still get bugged. Bugged where 1 type of image is not converting, and you end up with a database with a xtx.z and a .png for the cover/details images. Then you get some errors… and it can even overwrite your custom images with the generic ones.

    The GDI+ error can crop up too, but its unrelated to the main issue.

  7. Dark Akuma reporter

    Marking this as resolved, as... I have gone and made a more proper update setup.

    I'll be making a new issue thread for the quirkyness with old v1.4 databases and the weird image format mixing.

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