ZebraEngine: Menu is invisible

Issue #45 resolved
Dark Akuma created an issue

I have seen someone mention this issue a couple months ago, but as it was WELL past when I abandoned focus on the feature… i had to ignore it.

This happens when the tex file is bad, as I recall.


As somehow what this issue is not clear to some people, I will spell it out as simply as I can.

When you press the (-) button to bring up the menu… do you see a menu at all? Or does the screen just darken a little?

If you do not see a menu… then its invisible! And that is a bug! If you do see the menu, its working fine.

FYI, this has nothing to do with the option to “Hide (-) Button reminder”. They are unrelated, and the bug would happen whether thats selected or not. That option simply does as it says. It hides a unsightly reminder images that tells you how to bring up the menu is all.

Comments (7)

  1. Dark Akuma reporter

    Been scrolling through my chat history to refresh this stuff in my mind. My main question a year later is, Why did I choose to include .tex files at all?

    My best guess is, the way the png formatting changes. There was some issue with the format changing and the result ending up with an invisible menu. My guess is that happened when converting from the extracted .tex, but not my own?

    It also might be something to do with me swapping English to the default language instead of Japanese. But I don’t see why that could not be done on the fly.

    IDK. Clearly, if I am to investigate this issue again, I need to focus on the png format issue, and with that a goal of making an exact byte for byte copy of the source .tex’s.

  2. Dark Akuma reporter

    Fixed this?

    I just know that I finally remembered enough about the old issue I thought I fixed, and what the current one probably is. And addressed it by replacing the .tex files with new ones. That SHOULD fix the issue with invisible UI. The issue happened, I believe, due to a failure on my part to make a proper PNG thats supported by the ZE app. That is now no longer the case. The PNG should be 100% compatible.

    This has been confirmed by me to be fixed for the 3 stand alone versions, but I have not verified anything for the 3-in-1 version.

  3. Tokyo Panda

    Responding to this one in this issue thread.

    Dark: Can you see the menu at all when you press the - button? If so, its working correctly! If you cannot… its bugged.

    Yes I can. That functionality works just fine.

  4. Dark Akuma reporter

    Thank you!

    As this is a easy one to confirm, i will wait for 1 other to confirm before marking this as resolved.

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