Default locale seems to be Spanish

Issue #58 resolved
snucker created an issue

Setting CaVE to English does not have any effect, CaVE displays “English” in the toolbar menu, but the taskbar still shows as Spanish.

Comments (7)

  1. Dark Akuma

    Let me guess. This is only happening with that one database?

    This is normal. Default Locale in v1.5 is not the same as Language in v1.4. What Default Locale does is set what Locale to use when CREATING databases. What Language did was try to force the language of the loaded databases to what you had selected.

    What the statusbar does is, show info on the active database, including what Locale it was made for. Not what Default Locale you have set.

    I’ll put it another way.

    The first idea I had for this change was to have a pop up every time you create a new database. That pop up would be to select the language to use with that new database. I deemed that excessive, since more then likely a user would be using the same language for all the databases they create. So rather then see a pop up every time, I decided to have the users just select what Locale they want to use by default when creating databases.

  2. snucker reporter

    Okay, seems to work properly on new DB’s now. But why was it Spanish in the first place?

  3. Dark Akuma

    Could you possibly have accidentally clicked Spanish at some point while testing?

    If not… I guess I can leave this open as a sort of “Default Locale gets randomly set to Spanish” issue?

  4. snucker reporter

    I had no popup. Most of the tests I did today were on my laptop (W11), it was the first time I had downloaded and run the Beta. I believe I copied over the settings file, I will see if the one from the Alpha folder is set to Spanish for some reason.

  5. snucker reporter

    Seems like the settings file was set to “es” at some point in the Alpha.

    "language": "es",

    This can be closed.

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