Compatibility Rating Feature

Issue #62 resolved
Dark Akuma created an issue

I want to add a compatibility rating to NSO games. The idea is, to somewhat replace the compatibility lists. Bring what those offer, in app in whatever way I can.

I have already started this feature. It’s a 0-5 star rating, and it leverages the Preset Database feature in order to import the rating value, any comments on the compatibility of the game, and even a url for N64 DTZ’s. This could be merged with the Preset Database later, but for now I would like to keep them separate.

These compatibility lists with come with the CaVE archive, and possibly be downloaded the same as mods and updates. I have not worked on that yet though.

Right now, SNES USA and N64 USA are “complete”. Individual ratings could be argued to be adjusted, but I got what I could implemented. The SNES list is based off Robins SNES Classic list, not my sheet. The N64 list is based off the DTZ list.

So far what is done is… The ratings also have a color coding system to better distinguish the value.

DTZ’s will semi-automatically download+import. I could have made them automatically download+import, but felt it better to put it behind a simple Yes/No popup.

At this time, this feature is disabled in builds as not to be adding new features until the only ones are done.

Here is the sheet, for reference.

  • Notes for the community about the sheet.
  • The lines change color automatically based on the rating value.
  • Sort Title is tracked… mainly just so you know what game the info is for.
  • The cells on the sheet have been set to REQUIRE a Product ID mostly. But other things are required too, in succession.
  • Product ID > Sort Title > Checksum > Compatibility Rating > Anything else.
  • These are open to contribution from everyone.
  • I will probably be a little more relaxed with these. I don’t care about “complete lists”. Whatever ratings we can get is most important!

Comments (8)

  1. iiTzSamurai

    I changed dk64 from 4 to a 5, added the game to cave and it shows as having 5 Star rating. Seems to be working for me

  2. snucker

    Does not seem to work for 007 - The World is not Enough. Is there a delay between updating the sheet and CaVE pulling the information?

  3. Dark Akuma reporter

    Oh. I should have responded to this sooner.

    You are mistaken. CaVE does not pull compatibility info directly from that sheet at all!

    How things work is… The sheet is just a easily accessible public database. Periodically, I will export the content of those sheets to .json files, and include those .json files with CaVE. Meaning, CaVE gets the values it displays as ratings from a database in the folders. To be exact, its the -C .json files in the preset_database folder. Compatibility Databases and the feature are just an extension of the Preset Info Database feature.

  4. Tokyo Panda

    Tested as well. I edited the JSON file and changed Pokemon Red from 5 to 3 to 0 and every time I opened CaVE it changed the rating accordingly.

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