Automatic Updates do not trigger on first boot of CaVE

Issue #66 resolved
Dark Akuma created an issue

This is an issue for new users. On first run of CaVE, a new user just sees the Locale select is all before CaVE opens. Even if there isone or more updates available, the pop up does not show. They have to reboot CaVE to see it.

This is not intuitive. New users could not be expected to know this.

I'm pretty sure this is not my intention for the design. So I need to look into it and change it.

Comments (2)

  1. Tokyo Panda

    Extracted a new .rar of CaVE and ran as if I was a new user. I received the following prompts in this order. First I received the locale prompt, when I clicked Yes, CaVE then proceeded to check for updates and found them, then I was prompted to download the new updates by click Yes, then the updates downloaded. When I was finished I was prompted with the first Tutorial page.






  2. Dark Akuma reporter

    I fixed this, but it seems I never made a comment saying as much. But yes. Thanks. I'll only require the 1 feedback for this to mark it as resolved.

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