Syncing a database twice in the same session causes it to delete the remote files

Issue #69 resolved
Dark Akuma created an issue

Guessing this is a result of the changes to file tracking in the DBINFO file, and specifically I probably forgot to reset/save something after the Sync completes.

Comments (3)

  1. Dark Akuma reporter

    Again, its related to what I thought. But the specifics are different.

    The short of it is, when converting from the Files list to the FilesInfo list in the DBINFO file… I converted a check wrong. It was set to check for non-null, when it needed to check for null.

    A larger issue of this bug was that basically the entire database was uploading that first time, when it should have just been only the changed/new files.

    There is a complication that results from this. When using the new fixed exe, you will will need to delete your remove DBINFO file. The one on the SD Card. Why, is be cause the bug causes the files to get WAY out of sync. To CaVE, thanks to the DBINFO file, it thinks the files exist when they dont, and vice versa.

    If that is not enough, try deleting all the remote files for the effected app before Syncing. Just make sure all this is done before reporting any bugs.

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