SPT Import and save causes CaVE to crash

Issue #70 resolved
snucker created an issue

Opened my already created SNES DB, imported a Chrono Trigger ROM and set the metadata and cover art, imported the SPT Chrono Trigger and saved.

[7/31/2023 9:34:28 AM] -- New Session Initalized --
[7/31/2023 9:34:28 AM] Loading: C:\Users\snucker\Downloads\CaVE\1.5 beta\CaVE-v1.5-Beta\settings
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Entering Main
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Using "C:/Users/snucker/Downloads/CaVE/1.5 beta/CaVE-v1.5-Beta/database/GBA_1.3_1.5-beta_2023-07-28/010012F017576000" as default database.
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Entering SetupPlatform
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Database Type detected as "NSO".
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Entering Database Initalize
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Entering GetDatabasePlatform
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Platform detected as Game_Boy_Advance
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Selected Platform: Game_Boy_Advance
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] LClassicsTitlesDB_Load
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] GetStreamReader
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] ClearStageFolder
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] LClassicsTitlesDB_ParseTitles
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Loading "C:/Users/snucker/Downloads/CaVE/1.5 beta/CaVE-v1.5-Beta/database/GBA_1.3_1.5-beta_2023-07-28/010012F017576000\romfs\bootapp\resources\strings\en\strings.lng".
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] 1 language strings loaded.
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Entering StringsLng_GetMetaComments
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Entering ReplaceMainTitlesList
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Checking for SD Card device...
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] No SD Card device found.
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] SAVED
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] UpdateRecentDatabasesMenu
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Listing versions available in NewDatabase menu.
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] Checking for SD Card device...
[7/31/2023 9:34:31 AM] No SD Card device found.
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] Entering OpenRecentDatabase_Click
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] Entering SetupPlatform
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] Database Type detected as "NSO".
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] Entering Database Initalize
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] Entering GetDatabasePlatform
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] Platform detected as SNES
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] Selected Platform: SNES
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] LClassicsTitlesDB_Load
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] GetStreamReader
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] ClearStageFolder
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] LClassicsTitlesDB_ParseTitles
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] Loading "C:/Users/snucker/Downloads/CaVE/1.5 beta/CaVE-v1.5-Beta/database/SNES_3.6_1.5-beta_2023-07-28/01008D300C50C000\romfs\bootapp\resources\strings\en\strings.lng".
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] 1 language strings loaded.
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] Entering StringsLng_GetMetaComments
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] Entering ReplaceMainTitlesList
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] Checking for SD Card device...
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] No SD Card device found.
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] SAVED
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] UpdateRecentDatabasesMenu
[7/31/2023 9:38:37 AM] SaveSettings
[7/31/2023 9:38:46 AM] Entering ReplaceMainTitlesList
[7/31/2023 9:38:46 AM] UNSAVED
[7/31/2023 9:38:53 AM] UNSAVED
[7/31/2023 9:38:57 AM] Box Art has been updated for Chrono Trigger (USA).
[7/31/2023 9:38:57 AM] UNSAVED
[7/31/2023 9:39:14 AM] state
[7/31/2023 9:39:14 AM] details.xtx.z
[7/31/2023 9:39:14 AM] metadata.json
[7/31/2023 9:39:14 AM] UNSAVED
[7/31/2023 9:52:36 AM] Entering SaveDatabase_Click
[7/31/2023 9:52:36 AM] Saving to: "C:/Users/snucker/Downloads/CaVE/1.5 beta/CaVE-v1.5-Beta/database/SNES_3.6_1.5-beta_2023-07-28/01008D300C50C000\romfs\titles\lclassics.titlesdb"

Comments (7)

  1. Dark Akuma

    Sorry Im getting to this late. I didn’t know this thread even existed until today. (Damn tracker and its weird “submitted”, but not public thread status…)

    I have reproduce the issue, and addressed it for the next build.

    The issue was just a confusion with the Code value coming up null for SP Titles. Sadly, the i timing of the error caused by this issue causes the database to get written as blank. So your DB not loading anymore is because its wiped. At least the lclassics.titlesdb.

  2. Tokyo Panda

    Tested this with my N64 DB. I added the SPT for Super Smash Brothers. It added the second “version” of Super Smash Brothers with all characters unlocked to my DB in CaVE. Synced my DB to my switch with no issues and was able to launch and play the game with all characters unlocked.

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