JSON error while connecting

Issue #71 resolved
Bruno F. created an issue

I get an error while connect (via DBI, version 598). App crashes and closes. Image in the attatchment.system-save.json also in the attachment for debugging.

Comments (5)

  1. Dark Akuma


    I believe I have identified and fixed this issue. The issue being that the value in question is:

    "C-AW8A_e": 15.9

    15.9 is a float/double, not an int. My previous documenting of the system-save.json showed values looking as integers. Such is how such numbers are when they dont have anything below the decimal point.

    Anyway, explanation over. It should be fixed in the next version of the exe uploaded.

  2. Dark Akuma

    Don't worry about my techno-babel. I just like to post explanations for the sake of clarity, both for myself in the future and for general if a issue persists. It gives everyone a frame of reference, even for identifying if a issue someone else is having is related to this one. For bug testing, too much info is better than too little.

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