Syncing the database sometimes does not upload some files

Issue #79 resolved
Dark Akuma created an issue

This happened to me with a Super Mario 64 HQ dtz.

I’m guessing that the DTZ in the PC side database had an older timestamp, and thus CaVE concluded it was too old and didn’t update since the check looks for if the PC side file is newer. If so, I suppose it should be if the PC side file timestamp is simply different from the Switch side timestamp.

I suspect this may be related to SOME of the issues I have heard.

Reproduction procedure is probably that I replaced the dtz with a newly made one, Synced it, then later tried to restore the old DTZ which thus had an older timestamp.

Comments (4)

  1. snucker

    Had trouble testing this, but I think I got it right and it synced a DTZ with an older modified date than the one that was present on the Switch.

  2. iiTzSamurai

    Tested this: Steps taken
    Made a fake dtz for oot that wouldnt boot the game and got an error message on switch. Recreated the dtz with the correct idles so game would boot and made sure it booted the game on switch. Replaced the dtz with the dtz that wouldnt boot the game and got the same error message on my switch. Seems to be fixed!

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