Installing the Custom Param Mods like WidescreenEx require a CaVE restart for the param to show up

Issue #80 resolved
Dark Akuma created an issue

Posting this because I keep forgetting.

The only way I can see to tackle this is to force a complete database reload. Which I guess is warranted, but laggy as it would cause the app to hang up seemingly randomly when just checking a box.

This is probably a situation for a MessageBox. Pop up a Yes/No box saying something like “The database needs to be reloaded to enable this mod. Are you ready?”. But… newly imported mods auto enable. So that would have to pop up on mod import too.

Comments (5)

  1. iiTzSamurai

    Pop’s up saying database needs to be restarted when activating a mod. All is working on my end!

  2. Tokyo Panda

    This appears to be working as designed. When unchecking and rechecking a mod in CaVE I get the following message.

    The active database will need to be reloaded. Press "Ok" when ready.

    When placing a new mod in the mod folder and launching CaVE, the mod appears unchecked. When checking I get the same message as above.

    Works fine.

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