N64 crash importing preset information for 007 - The World is not Enough

Issue #83 resolved
snucker created an issue

There doesn’t seem to be anything interesting in the log to indicate what went wrong.

[9/1/2023 8:31:43 PM] -- New Session Initalized --
[9/1/2023 8:31:43 PM] Loading: C:\Users\snucker\Downloads\CaVE\1.5 beta\CaVE-v1.5-Beta\settings
[9/1/2023 8:31:46 PM] Entering Main
[9/1/2023 8:31:46 PM] Using "C:/Users/snucker/Downloads/CaVE/1.5 beta/CaVE-v1.5-Beta/database/N64_2.10_1.5-beta_2023-08-29/0100C9A00ECE6000" as default database.
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] Entering SetupPlatform
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] Database Type detected as "NSO".
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] Entering Database Initalize
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] Entering GetDatabasePlatform
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] Platform detected as N64
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] Selected Platform: N64
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] LClassicsTitlesDB_Load
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] GetStreamReader
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] ClearStageFolder
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] LClassicsTitlesDB_ParseTitles
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] Loading "C:/Users/snucker/Downloads/CaVE/1.5 beta/CaVE-v1.5-Beta/database/N64_2.10_1.5-beta_2023-08-29/0100C9A00ECE6000\romfs\bootapp\resources\strings\en\strings.lng".
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] 1 language strings loaded.
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] Entering StringsLng_GetMetaComments
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] Entering ReplaceMainTitlesList
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] Checking for SD Card device...
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] No SD Card device found.
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] SAVED
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] UpdateRecentDatabasesMenu
[9/1/2023 8:31:47 PM] Listing versions available in NewDatabase menu.
[9/1/2023 8:32:47 PM] Entering ReplaceMainTitlesList
[9/1/2023 8:32:47 PM] UNSAVED

Comments (7)

  1. Dark Akuma

    To clarify, this is specifically with selecting the game and chosing the “Import Preset Game Info” option, correct? Preset information is imported (if available) when adding a ROM, or when manually selecting that option. So a distinction should be made.

    That said, I DO see a crash when importing via the menu option, and will try to address it now.

  2. Dark Akuma

    Fixed in the next version.

    This was not a game specific issue. Just that the code was failing to pass the proper info to a function that it needed in order to identify the game as a N64 game, and properly look for a bnz (the n64 rom path tends to use the extension .bin… because thats how NERD does it).

    FYI, there is no real Preset Info for that game (outside of ROGsamurai’s image pack). I'm sure you were just being through with testing though. Just felt it was worth mentioning.

  3. snucker reporter

    FYI, there is no real Preset Info for that game (outside of ROGsamurai’s image pack). I'm sure you were just being through with testing though. Just felt it was worth mentioning.

    Exactly, I had noticed the feature and tried to test it. I’ll test again whenever the next version comes out.

  4. Tokyo Panda

    Was a bit confused with this. But from what I can gather, the issue does not seem to be present anymore.

    1. Launched CaVE
    2. Added “world is not enough” (I know its not game specific for this issue)
    3. Right clicked on the game in CaVE and selected “Import Preset Game Info”

    4. Clicked “Yes” on the prompt (Are you certain you want to reset to the preset defaults for “007 - The World Is Not Enough (U) [!]”?

    5. Saved DB and no crash.

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