Unable to Fine Strings info for Update Version

Issue #92 resolved
Bruno F. created an issue

I’ve been away for a while, and today I was going through my NES library to organize my games and when trying to add a stock game I got this error.

Comments (7)

  1. Dark Akuma
    • changed status to open

    Just once?

    Did it prevent you from retrying and adding the stock game in the end?

    What locale is selected for the database?

    What stock game?

    This error happens in a function that tries to get the info for the selected stock game, from the update database history. In particular, it directly comes from trying to search through the strings.lng part of the database for the Description and such. If it cannot find the game it throws that error.

    At a glance, I am not sure my code should be doing that, as failing to find the game should be perfectly valid. But as I have not heard anyone mention this issue before, im going to trust my code for the moment until I know more. But if I am correct, its a meaningless error that can be ignored. That you were probably able to continue, and the game was added to the list in the end.

  2. Bruno F. reporter

    Several times, and it crashes after that. I tried only with NES library.

    Locale is PT/BR.

    I tried SMB 1, 2 and 3.

  3. Bruno F. reporter

    I tried it again, and although the error persists, the games were added to the library successfully.

  4. Dark Akuma

    Well, for now, I just removed that error message from showing at all (in the next build). It shows when a variable is null, and that variable being null should be perfectly valid and expected.

    My best guess as to why this was showing, with those games, and that I have not heard of this issue before is… did you start with a “Empty Database”? NES is unique in that it history does not start with v1.0. It starts with v1.0. This caused an issue with the Empty Database option before as it made Empty Databases either v0, or v1.0. But I swear I addressed that issue. This might mean I did not fully address it though. At the very least, the SMB games should be found in the v4.0.0.0 update, so that error is weird.

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