Stuck on loading screen with blackbars/letterbox format

Issue #97 closed
Dark Akuma created an issue

This has happened to snucker, me, and Metal_killer. But I don’t know why. It kind of just goes away.

I don’t know what it happens with for certain, but its likely the info mod. It has happened with N64, SNES and maybe NES too (I forget what app I was using when it happened. Maybe N64 when I was addressing an issue with the DisplayEx mod?).

Comments (12)

  1. Dark Akuma reporter

    Thinking about this more… while it is still a guess, I think this happens due to loading lag and specifically with loading the font before the text is displayed. I think lag happens and causes the text to try displaying before the font is finished loading. When that fails, the loading screen displays, but incomplete.

    If so, im not sure what I can do. I will probably need to find a way to load the font and display the text while the loading screen itself is already visible. As is, text and other UI elements have to be loaded/set before things are displayed.

  2. Dark Akuma reporter

    Fixed. Or at least addressed and seeming to be fixed.

    I did a test where I completely removed the code to load the font, just to see the result… and it was EXACTLY this result.

    I ended up moving the call to load the font to earlier in the function, before the loading of the logo image. It’s reported as working.

    This fix is now in the cave rar.

    To ensure that your info mod updates to this fixed version, go into your database folder and delete romfs\bootapp\resources\scripts\sys\sysloadingscreen.lua before reloading the database, then Syncing.

  3. Daniel Sales

    Since this issue is still open, I am experiencing the same issue with SNES. At first the solution was to load the SNES NSO when handheld but sometimes it opens and sometimes it does not.

    Maybe I can try to apply the fix mentioned above? Deleting the sysloadingscreen.lua file?



    Full Unlock:

    Hide Background:

    EDIT: I deleted some stock games that I don't play and some others that I was not touching, keeping my SNES db to 53 games. So far I didn't get the boot issue anymore

  4. Dark Akuma reporter

    For now, it would be best to post information that might be relevant to causing loading lag. Like how many games your database has, or how many custom DisplayEx backgrounds you have.

    My SNES database has 91 games total, and 15 1280x720 backgrounds total. And does not get this issue.

    My N64 database has 119 games total, and 15 1280x720 backgrounds total. And does not get this issue.

    The rest of my database have less games, and the same number of backgrounds, without getting this issue.

    I know I have gotten the issue in the past, but that was pre-fix.

    Ultimately, I think im going to have to figure out some way to force loading to delay a little until the font is loaded. But before that, I will need to be able to reproduce the issue at will, and thus need to find how my databases differ from those encountering the issue currently.

  5. Daniel Sales

    Hello. I posted, My DB had 60 games, I reduced to 53 and very rarely had the issue. In the past I had the issue with N64 but more recently, just with SNES. Since the update to V. 3.9.0 I didn’t have the issue but didn’t increase the DB number.

    I don’t use any background, just games cover

  6. Dark Akuma reporter

    May have finally found a fix for this issue.

    We are seeing the issue more with the N64 MATURE 17+ app now, and I tried a fix that SEEMS to work…

    But it’s hard to have confidence due to the nature of the issue and reproducibility.

  7. Dark Akuma reporter

    With the recent version of CaVE v1.5 Beta released on July 24th 2024, this issue should be solved.

    So I'll be marking this as resolved for now.

  8. CtrlP

    I’m currently experiencing the same issue with Mature 17+ and I haven’t added any games. I tried it with and without “NSO-N64_MATURE_17-DisplayEx-v1_0.nsom”

    I’m not sure if this matters but when I hit the home button, and return, the 2 black bars disappear and the normal start up screen shows, but it’s frozen.

  9. Dark Akuma reporter

    Ugg… it annoys me that when I set these threads to resolved, I expect and intend for them to be Closed… But they are not…

    That aside… I messed up. With the whole ordeal trying to fix a recent issue, and remaking the rar a few times… I forgot to include the updated Info mods in the final rar...

    Redownload and update the Info mod in the Mods tab. That should fix it.

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