NSO NES freezes after entering settings and get out

Issue #99 resolved
ZhaiSheng created an issue

NSO NES freezes after entering settings and get out

  • Cave
  • NES ver
  • Mod installed: Display EX

It´s a clean database, just added a few games and then copy the db to atmosphere/contents, as usual , and when accessing the emulator settings, and then exit, it freezes. Only display ex mod is activated.

Tested it in 2 different consoles; a V1 and an OLED, it always freezes.

Comments (11)

  1. Tokyo Panda

    Something I am noticing that I have on my loading screen that you do not based on your video is CaVE Info:

    I am not having this issue though. I have in the past with another NSO but cant remember what was done to fix. But you might want to start there.

  2. Dark Akuma

    CaVE Info should not show, I believe. If it does, its not a major issue by any means, but it is a issue itself. The info mod is not supposed to list itself.

    On topic of this freezing issue, as I recall it can happen from various things. Most likely, I need to update some lua’s as some code has changed.

  3. ZhaiSheng reporter

    Makes totally sense, as it startet to happen in 6.7 , right when DisplayEX started to be available

  4. Dark Akuma

    That's because it is a issue with the DisplayEx mod itself. The mod uses several scripts and jsons though, so if any is updated with a minor change while my mod is not… even a tiny bit… issues can happen.

    The issue with updating the mods right now is, the process is too cumbersome. It was fine enough when I was actively working on them. But now, having taken time away from them and having to come back to them… The process is a bit much. The lua scripts have to be de-compiled, and thats not just as simple as running them through a program. I had to MANUALLY de-compile most of them, then manually clean up the code into something readable. I don’t need to manually de-compile and clean them all now with each update, but I do need to get them partly de-compiled enough to compare, flag the changes, and see what specific code is updated.

    The entire process for me to update CaVE involves a lot. And can be very confusing for my brain after being away from the project for a month or more. So to help myself, I have designed processes to simplify and automate as much as I can. Updating these advanced mods is one I need to find a way do so with as well. I think I have an idea on what I can do. It just has not been a priority yet. The whole Advanced mod side project stuff was not something I planned. It kind of came out of nowhere one day. I have not prepared myself properly for maintaining them yet. I still need to figure it all out.

  5. Dark Akuma

    Got around to trying to look into this issue and… right off the bat, I cant reproduce it at all. Whether DisplayEx or DisplayEx+… exiting out of the settings works fine.

    I tried with v6.8 of the app, and v6.7 and v6.8 databases.

    From the OP, you say “Mod installed: Display EX”. I take it you mean v6.6.0.0… since there is not, and has never been a v2.6.0.0 of the mod.

    Either way… I have no clue what the issue would be. At this point, the only major differences are locale and game roster. I use EN, and a fullish custom database.

  6. ZhaiSheng reporter

    You´re right, I apologize, it´s display ex , This is the way I tried it, initially I tought it was because of the amount of games, but I created a new database with a single game and does the same.
    It don´t do it if I lower the version to 6.6 or something, but it happens in 6.7 and 6.8 ONLY when display ex is checked.

  7. Dark Akuma


    I would think it was a issue with some code being different between v6.6 and v6.7/v6.8... But it worked fine for me. And I have been using v6.8 A LOT lately.

    v6.9 sees every aspect of DisplayEx updated, so there should be absolutely zero issues now.

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