DH_Vehicles package - clean up unused & clashing variables

Issue #100 resolved
Matt Hands created an issue

Removing sources of non-critical warnings when compiling DH_Vehicles:

DH_BoatVehicle - remove unused class variables, some of which conflict with function parameters or local variables (removed MaxPitchSpeed, BoatFloatTraceDistance, HitDist, HoverAdd, TraceStart, TraceEnd, HitLocation, HitNormal, HitActor, bBoatFloat)

DH_HigginsBoat - removed deprecated default property for MaxPitchSpeed

DH_MobileResupplyAttachment - removed unused local variables bEnemyGrenadeFound & bEnemySmokeFound in function Timer

DH_ROWheeledVehicle - removed unused local variable Pawn P in function ServerStartEngine

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