Players can be kicked for exceeding an arbitrary friendly-fire hitpoint damage limit

Issue #118 resolved
Colin Basnett created an issue

Players have reported that typing np does not work. @AndrewTheel has informed me that it does work, however, there is a separate friendly-fire kick scheme being used which is to kick a player once they have exceeded a certain friendly fire hit-point damage threshold. This means that you can be kicked on your very first team-kill if the damage is high enough! This scheme should be removed to reduce confusion.

Comments (3)

  1. Andrew Theel

    The variable in question is FFDamageLimit defined in ROTeamGame

    It can be fixed in multiple ways. 1) Setting the default to 0 in DarkestHourGame 2) Override ReduceDamage() changing line 1984 in ROTeamGame

    Theel recommends: setting default to 0

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