Marder machine-gun muzzle flash does not occur at the end of the barrel

Issue #124 resolved
Colin Basnett created an issue

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Comments (4)

  1. Matt Hands

    This is the reverse of the bug/workaround I comment on in issue 123.

    Any MG where you can raise your head above the sights ends up with the muzzle flash displaced.

    The marder just lacks the workaround in state ViewTransition that simply hides the muzzle flash in the raised position. Better than what we see here in the marder, but it does create the lesser problem reported in issue 123 (i.e. the muzzle flash disappears).

    Suggest - at least for now - that I just add the same workaround to the marder.

  2. Colin Basnett reporter

    @Matt_UK, Issue 123 has been put on hold. The same workaround should be applied to this instance for consistency.

  3. Matt Hands

    In commit 7d3baa4 I've worked this code into generic functionality in DHMountedTankMGPawn. Does not change the problem or the hack-ish workaround; it just removes the need for identical function overrides in different vehicle classes. Now just set bHideMuzzleFlashAboveSights=true in def props. Noting it here just to keep track of where the code is.

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