Turret rotation is forced back to 12'o'clock on entry

Issue #130 on hold
Andrew Theel created an issue

Often turret rotation will rotate back to the forward position automatically, if someone else was operating the turret before you.

Comments (3)

  1. Matt Hands

    Hmmm ..... believe this is native tank turret code.

    Turret aim direction is from rotator CurrentAim, which is relative to vehicle rotation. Note cannon actor always stays facing same was as vehicle and does not rotate. CurrentAim tracks the turret rotation and gets applied to the mesh's YawBone. CurrentAim isn't set anywhere, so believe it's all native. There are C++ functions (cpptext) listed in relevant actors that refer to rotation etc, so probably all done there.

    Bug affects cannon pitch as well as yaw. Turret rotates at its RotationsPerSecond, I think only because bInstantRotation is false. If true, I suspect the turret would snap to new position.

    Worse than the forced rotation, the turret actually appears in a different position to how the other player sees it. And firing effects appear in the wrong location.

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