You can kill yourself using the M3 Halftrack machine-gun

Issue #146 resolved
Colin Basnett created an issue

Very rarely you can kill yourself simply by firing the M3 Halftrack's machine-gun.

Comments (7)

  1. Matt Hands

    I wonder if this was caused by my DH_Bullet bug, where firing occasionally caused self-headshot. Was fixed at more or less the same time this was reported, so maybe you were reporting what you had seen shortly before that time, but had been fixed back in Feb?

    Any recent occurrences?

  2. Colin Basnett reporter

    This allegedly happens in the live game as well, @AndrewTheel told me a humorous story about how this bug ruined a 29th scrimmage once. I feel like simply putting in a check to make sure you can't damage yourself with bullets would be sufficient?

  3. Matt Hands

    Tried a possible fix in commit 7c0a51f.

    In DHBullet.ProcessTouch() I've added some extra initial checks that were included for shells but not for bullets. These are the initial checks that cause ProcessTouch() to exit early, meaning the bullet's collision is ignored & it carries on its flight without causing any damage or effects. The one that may be relevant is "if (Other.Owner == Instigator)".

    May or may not solve a bug that may or may not still exist - but seem like sound checks to have anyway & make bullets more consistent with shells.

    One notable difference between the two - shells ignore ROBulletWhipAttachments, as they don't make a whiz/snap sound when passing near a player. Bullets, on the other hand, need to process hits on a whip attachment - they check for sound effects & then trace to see if the bullet actually hit the player pawn.

  4. Matt Hands

    I'm confident that there's no way this can happen now, so am marking it as resolved. This stands as a record in case anyone notices the problem in future, but it ain't going to happen.

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